Update by: Dr. Welker
Good Afternoon,
As we move closer to the opening of our new facility in August 2021, I am excited to announce that our school will have a permanent art gallery to display photography submitted by our students. This innovative showcase will provide our students with a unique visual outlet that reinforces the value of imagination and creativity in all endeavors. The gallery is comprised of forty-seven acrylic displays that are located on the second and third floors of the building. Photographic submissions will be judged for their creativity, quality, originality, impact, and responsiveness to themes inherent to our school.
Submissions may encompass any of the following artistic categories: abstract, adventure, architecture, astrophotography, black and white, cityscape, crystal ball, documentary, drone, event, fine art, fish-eye, forced perspective, golden hour, head shot, high dynamic range, indoor, infrared, kinetic, landscape, lifestyle, long exposure, micro/macro, Milky Way, minimalist, multiple exposure, night, panorama, pet, photo manipulation, photojournalism, portrait, prism, scientific, seascape, sports, still life, street, tilt-shift, time-lapse, travel, urban exploration, wildlife, and underwater photography.
All submissions must conform to the following rules:
Photographs must represent original student work. No third party may own or control any materials the photo contains, and the photo must not infringe upon the trademark, copyright, moral rights, intellectual rights, or rights of privacy of any entity or person.
Photographs must be in their original state and cannot be altered in any way, including but not limited to removing, adding, reversing, or distorting subjects within the frame.
Photographs must be submitted electronically as a 12-megapixel JPEG file and printed in landscape format on 24x36 inch photographic paper and have a minimum resolution of 7200x10800 pixels per inch.
Submissions must include the name of the student, grade level, title of the work, and a description of how the photograph or art was produced.
Photographs must be submitted by the posted deadline. Late entries will be included in the next submission cycle.
Photographic entries will be judged by committee. All decisions are final. The administration reserves the right to disqualify any entry that is deemed inappropriate or does not conform to stated entry rules.
All photographs become the property of MAST@FIU Biscayne Bay Campus when submitted and may be used in all media, including social media, online and print, in relation to the school, the gallery, the school yearbook, and all promotional and educational activities for and under the auspices of MAST@FIU Biscayne Bay Campus.
