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"Alphabet Soup" by Sascha Agenor
Oil on canvas. “Unscramble the letters: two words, one message.” -Senior Sascha Agenor

"Whale Sunset" by Sophomore Kaiomi Shimeles
Kaiomi wished to share one of her favorite art projects with all the students of MAST@FIU.

"Tyler the Human" by Sascha Agenor
"This painting is a combination of Tyler the Creator’s famous cover art for his album “Flower Boy” and the show Adventure Time. Since Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows as well as his, and since Tyler is one of my biggest role models, I thought this would be a really cool concept." - Senior Sascha Agenor.

"KATE" by Sascha Agenor
"Kate is a character I completely made up. I love playing around with very vibrant color schemes. Why she has a bloody nose is up for interpretation, but I just liked the way it brings out the blues and purples in her face and the painting." - Senior Sascha Agenor.

Digital Artwork by Anna Abgaryan
A pair of lips digitally painted by senior Anna Abgaryan.

"Octopus Windsurf Board" by Sofia Martinez
A handdrawn octopus on a functional windsurf board. Drawn by MAST@FIU alumni Sofia Martinez.

"Recycled Manta Ray" by Isabel Armedilla and Victoria Lam
Manta ray made out of plastic waste picked up from the bay by SEACORP. Made by MAST@FIU alimnis Isabel Armedilla and Victoria Lam.

"No True Emotion" by Victoria Arutunian
"I made this drawing when I was at a turning point in my life and wanted to reflect the way I was feeling through it, I chose to use bright colors because they add the most emotion to drawings in my opinion and I used a different color to highlight each emotion." - Senior Victoria Arutunian.

"The Great Wave In Space" by Victoria Arutunian
"I took inspiration from my favorite painting “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa” and gave it my own personal twist because I love putting things that dont go together into one picture and making things different colors from what they would be in the real world. Like an altered reality." -Senior Victoria Arutunian

"lost in thought" by Victoria Arutunian
"This one is called lost in thoughts, the idea was for the person to look lifeless and almost like a marble statue, and then to show a burst of color to illustrate how powerful knowledge can be." -Senior Victoria Arutunian

"Alphabet Soup" by Sascha Agenor
Oil on canvas. “Unscramble the letters: two words, one message.” -Senior Sascha Agenor

"Whale Sunset" by Sophomore Kaiomi Shimeles
Kaiomi wished to share one of her favorite art projects with all the students of MAST@FIU.

"Tyler the Human" by Sascha Agenor
"This painting is a combination of Tyler the Creator’s famous cover art for his album “Flower Boy” and the show Adventure Time. Since Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows as well as his, and since Tyler is one of my biggest role models, I thought this would be a really cool concept." - Senior Sascha Agenor.

"KATE" by Sascha Agenor
"Kate is a character I completely made up. I love playing around with very vibrant color schemes. Why she has a bloody nose is up for interpretation, but I just liked the way it brings out the blues and purples in her face and the painting." - Senior Sascha Agenor.

Digital Artwork by Anna Abgaryan
A pair of lips digitally painted by senior Anna Abgaryan.

"Octopus Windsurf Board" by Sofia Martinez
A handdrawn octopus on a functional windsurf board. Drawn by MAST@FIU alumni Sofia Martinez.

"Recycled Manta Ray" by Isabel Armedilla and Victoria Lam
Manta ray made out of plastic waste picked up from the bay by SEACORP. Made by MAST@FIU alimnis Isabel Armedilla and Victoria Lam.

"No True Emotion" by Victoria Arutunian
"I made this drawing when I was at a turning point in my life and wanted to reflect the way I was feeling through it, I chose to use bright colors because they add the most emotion to drawings in my opinion and I used a different color to highlight each emotion." - Senior Victoria Arutunian.

"The Great Wave In Space" by Victoria Arutunian
"I took inspiration from my favorite painting “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa” and gave it my own personal twist because I love putting things that dont go together into one picture and making things different colors from what they would be in the real world. Like an altered reality." -Senior Victoria Arutunian

"lost in thought" by Victoria Arutunian
"This one is called lost in thoughts, the idea was for the person to look lifeless and almost like a marble statue, and then to show a burst of color to illustrate how powerful knowledge can be." -Senior Victoria Arutunian

"Alphabet Soup" by Sascha Agenor
Oil on canvas. “Unscramble the letters: two words, one message.” -Senior Sascha Agenor

"Whale Sunset" by Sophomore Kaiomi Shimeles
Kaiomi wished to share one of her favorite art projects with all the students of MAST@FIU.

"Tyler the Human" by Sascha Agenor
"This painting is a combination of Tyler the Creator’s famous cover art for his album “Flower Boy” and the show Adventure Time. Since Adventure Time is one of my favorite shows as well as his, and since Tyler is one of my biggest role models, I thought this would be a really cool concept." - Senior Sascha Agenor.

"KATE" by Sascha Agenor
"Kate is a character I completely made up. I love playing around with very vibrant color schemes. Why she has a bloody nose is up for interpretation, but I just liked the way it brings out the blues and purples in her face and the painting." - Senior Sascha Agenor.

Digital Artwork by Anna Abgaryan
A pair of lips digitally painted by senior Anna Abgaryan.

"Octopus Windsurf Board" by Sofia Martinez
A handdrawn octopus on a functional windsurf board. Drawn by MAST@FIU alumni Sofia Martinez.

"Recycled Manta Ray" by Isabel Armedilla and Victoria Lam
Manta ray made out of plastic waste picked up from the bay by SEACORP. Made by MAST@FIU alimnis Isabel Armedilla and Victoria Lam.

"No True Emotion" by Victoria Arutunian
"I made this drawing when I was at a turning point in my life and wanted to reflect the way I was feeling through it, I chose to use bright colors because they add the most emotion to drawings in my opinion and I used a different color to highlight each emotion." - Senior Victoria Arutunian.

"The Great Wave In Space" by Victoria Arutunian
"I took inspiration from my favorite painting “The Great Wave Off Kanagawa” and gave it my own personal twist because I love putting things that dont go together into one picture and making things different colors from what they would be in the real world. Like an altered reality." -Senior Victoria Arutunian

"lost in thought" by Victoria Arutunian
"This one is called lost in thoughts, the idea was for the person to look lifeless and almost like a marble statue, and then to show a burst of color to illustrate how powerful knowledge can be." -Senior Victoria Arutunian
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