Written by Anna Abgaryan
Senior, Isabela Perdomo, has recently received yet another award (way to go, Bela!) known as the Yale Science and Engineering Association Award.

In case you didn't know, Isabela Perdomo was named Local 10's Eco-Hero after winning a contest in her freshman year of high school (2017-2018) due to this long-term project she had been working on. As a reward for winning this contest, she had the opportunity to travel to Antarctica for free! (If you'd like, you can watch the documentary of her trip by clicking here).
Ms. Perdomo has won countless awards and contests for her projects, including her latest achievement of winning the Yale Science and Engineering Association Award for her current project on "A Mathematically Generated Bessel Function-Based Ultrasonic Waveform Tractor Beam for Optimizing Blood Circulation."
What Is This Project?

Isabela Perdomo's newest ongoing research project applied her knowledge of ultrasonic technology to the medical field with the intent of comparing the current commercially available ultrasonic therapy methods with her own and their effectiveness of blood circulation in patients. With her Bessel Function-based ultrasonic technology, she conducted trials that compared her technology's efficacy to the current ultrasonic methods with the desired outcome of improving blood circulation in patients. As you can probably imagine, this involved a lot of mathematics--which I won't be getting into.
With this project, Ms. Perdomo competed in this year's State Science and Engineering Fair, in which she was awarded the Yale Science and Engineering Association Award for all her work! We can expect to see many more achievements from Isabela in the future! Make sure to keep a lookout.
Isabela's hot take on her competitions vs. the pandemic:

"I have been completing science fair projects for the majority of my life, and it feels good that I am able to complete this one last year regardless of the pandemic. Last year was a bit of a bummer since the competition in Lake Land, FL and Anaheim, CA were canceled. I wasn't sure that I was going to be able to continue my research. However, I decided to continue, and now I think I have made some fascinating discoveries. This last year may just be the beginning of my independent research as an undergrad student, wherever I go to college."