Written by Alessandra Zanardi
Starting today, April 5th, 2021, the state of Florida has opened up vaccination eligibility to those 18+. The state has also allowed 16- and 17-year-olds to get the Pfizer vaccine with their parents at Miami-Dade college (for the time being). Their parents must prove that they are the child's legal guardians by showing either a birth certificate or a court document. Throughout the last few weeks, Floridians have seen the opening of multiple vaccine sites. Two major sites are the Hard Rock Stadium and Miami-Dade College North Campus.

“So it was pretty simple. We made an appointment online, then came in, showed ID, and then went to the pharmacy. Once they gave the shot, I waited 15 min to make sure everything was good, and that’s it. Never been so excited to get a shot.” – Valery Fuhrer
“At the fast rate that the covid vaccine was developed, I believe it is not the right time to take it. I think some period of time should pass when there are some results and analysis provided, such as the human body’s reaction to it and some possible side effects. I would consider taking it only in 1 year when studies and researches are published. Additionally, I have friends who got vaccinated but unfortunately got infected with the severe form of COVID. Therefore, I believe that some more time should pass and that vaccination should be left optional. Also, from my research, we still don’t know whether natural immunity may last as long or nearly as long as vaccinated immunity - a question that will be answered over time...” – Olesya Kukhareva
