Written by Adella Baker

Florida State University is a national research university located in Tallahassee, Florida, with a population of 32,000 plus. From MAST@FIU to Florida State University, seniors Brunella Fernandez De Cordova, Anissa Adams, and Mariana Avila were the three future Seminoles interviewed. All three of them will be rooming together in off-campus student housing and are majoring in Behavioral Neuroscience on the Pre-Medicine track. Brunella says, “I chose behavioral neuroscience because I found that most of the coursework fulfills the prerequisites for medical school. I like the fact that behavioral neuroscience has more of a science focus; I am interested in the Psychology and Anatomy courses.” Brunella also plans to meet with the pre-health advisor at FSU to discuss course work, internship, and volunteer options. She would like to pursue her medical requirements early on, such as becoming a scribe or a medical transporter.

The three soon to be Seminoles pictured above.
Anissa and Brunella say they mainly picked FSU due to their acceptance into the CARE program. The CARE program is for first-generation students whose scholarships cover tuition, books, meal plan, and insurance. As part of CARE 21, these girls are getting a full ride. They will begin attending FSU in the summer session in June, where they will have the opportunity to room together in the dorms and get the on-campus college experience.

This picture of Brunella was taken on her trip to visit FSU’s famous campus!
FSU is also known for its amazing research opportunities. The girls have all applied to the research undergraduate program to get insight into working with professors and alumni in fascinating works based on their major.
The girls also have some school clubs in their sights. Mariana has said, “Some clubs that I would like to try are eco-reps where students go around the school raising awareness for the environment, Shattering Shackles which help families communicate with their loved ones that are in jail/prison, and the Hispanic student union.” Mariana proceeded to discuss her interest in the school’s athletic clubs like swimming and weightlifting but is not sure if she will have time for all of that. All three of them plan to join the pre-med association.