Written by Michael Lovaglio
No doubt about it... 2020 was a wild year. Already three weeks into 2021, political tensions have heightened surrounding the upcoming inauguration and former election. To some, their rights have been violated by the corrupt polling systems. To others, they are pleased with the results of a fair election. Unfortunately, facts have been misplaced with opinion and propaganda, scaring away many from confronting our nation's issues. How are the actions of current leaders and officials going to impact the next generation of essential politicians? Today's problems lie in the hands of our peers to fix in the decades to come.
After interviewing several students at MAST@FIU, their responses echoed a unanimous cry: there needs to be a change in the behavior of our government officials.
We asked some students the following questions:
"What do you think about the behaviors of current government officials?"
"Is the political situation in America making you steer away from politics or more interested in politics?"
"How likely are you now to pursue a career in politics compared to 2 years ago?"
Below are the responses of some of the students. It is important to note that these opinions are a small sample of the voices of MAST@FIU and do not represent the viewpoints of all students at our school.
Andres Rondon:

"At first, when I looked at politics, I thought they were something I could be interested in; the system of our country. But then I realized that I've kinda lost interest in them because of what politics have become; I can't find a true purpose for them anymore. It's steered away from what it was supposed to be. I've become less interested in learning about politics. We're focusing too much on less important issues when there are more important matters our government should be handling. These officials' behaviors are unnecessary, and so are the peoples."
"These are the people who direct us and protect us. To have these people acting like little kids... it's sad. We're too great a country to have the people leading us act so childish. For the most part, I've been staying away from politics. People have turned from conversing about politics to personalizing politics and constantly arguing about it. I keep up with the news now and then, but nothing like before. I'm no more interested in a political career now than I was before. There's a lot more to it, even a dark part that seems to go unnoticed."
"I think it's a bad influence on the country. Many people look up to these officials, and it's inappropriate for someone with those positions to be acting the way they do. It doesn't necessarily make me more interested, but rather more aware. I'm learning more about (our political situation). Honestly, I still wouldn't pursue a career in politics. There's too much controversy behind it, and it's not necessarily my area of interest."

Juan Cepeda:
"I think it's very unnecessary. Some officials aren't giving up power even though their terms have ended. They're saying stupid things on social media to provoke crowds. I'm steering away from politics; I've never been interested in that stuff."
"It's really a shame. It sucks that the people representing our country are portraying such inappropriate behaviors. I stay away from politics to the fullest; this has mainly stayed the same throughout my life. Especially with this election, both parties have acted so childishly when we really should be united. I'm even less likely to pursue a career in politics than two years ago. I'll almost guarantee I'll never go into politics."
Remember, it's essential to form your own opinion and stay open-minded about politics. The decisions lawmakers make today will be the decisions we will have to deal with as adults.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys stay safe, and if you enjoyed my article, feel free to like it!